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856 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Orwell, George

Scritto tra il 1948 e il 1949, 1984 racconta di un futuro prossimo in cui, a seguito di una guerra atomica, il mondo è stato spartito tra tre grandi super potenze: Oceania, Eurasia ed Estasia. A capo del primo di questi Stati c'è un dittatore che si fa chiamare Grande Fratello, una figura onnisciente e misteriosa che controlla costantemente le vite dei suoi cittadini attraverso telecamere e psicopolizia. La privacy non esiste,...

CHF 21.50

La fattoria degli animali

Orwell, George
La fattoria degli animali

Restava un solo, unico comandamento. Tutti gli animali sono uguali. Ma alcuni animali sono più uguali degli altri. Età di lettura: da 12 anni.

CHF 18.50

Fattoria degli animali

Orwell, George
Fattoria degli animali

Tutti gli animali sono uguali, ma alcuni animali sono più uguali degli altri. Stanchi dei soprusi, gli animali di una fattoria decidono di ribellarsi agli umani e, cacciato il proprietario, danno vita a un nuovo ordine fondato sull'uguaglianza. Ben presto, però, emerge tra loro una nuova classe di burocrati, i maiali, che con astuzia, cupidigia e prepotenza si impongono sugli altri animali. L'acuta satira orwelliana contro il ...

CHF 19.00

The Road to Wigan Pier

Orwell, George
The Road to Wigan Pier
In January 1936, the thirty-two-year-old George Orwell left his home in London and travelled to the industrial north of England with the intention of experiencing first-hand the conditions in which the working-class poor were compelled to live their lives. During his two-month expedition he visited Manchester, Wigan and Liverpool in the north-west, then Sheffield, Leeds and Barnsley in Yorkshire, recording his impressions as he went in a diary...

CHF 14.50

Farm der Tiere

Orwell, George
Farm der Tiere
»Alle Tiere sind gleich, aber manche sind gleicher.«George Orwells zeitloser Roman ist aktueller denn je. Er ist eine knallharte und beißende Satire auf den blinden Marsch einer unterdrückten Gesellschaft in Richtung Totalitarismus.Erst fand George Orwell keinen Verleger, der sein Buch drucken wollte. Dann wäre das Manuskript in den Kriegswirren fast verloren gegangen. Heute, rund 80 Jahre später, gehört Farm der Tiere zu den bekanntesten und ...

CHF 7.90


Orwell, George / Bonné, Mirko / Haefs, Gisbert
«Orwell told the truth.» Christopher Hitchens Der dystopische Klassiker der Weltliteratur in neuer Übersetzung Winston Smith ist Mitarbeiter im Ministerium der Wahrheit und er macht zwei entscheidende Fehler: Er verliebt sich in seine Kollegin Julia, und er stellt die totalitäre Welt, in der sie jederzeit vom sogenannten »Big Brother« überwacht werden, infrage. Das ist im Weltreich Ozeanien eine Todsünde. Orwell, laut »Observer« de...

CHF 17.50

The Road to Wigan Pier

Orwell, George
The Road to Wigan Pier
George Orwell is one of the world's most influential writers, the visionary author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four and non-fiction classics Down and Out in Paris in London, The Road toWigan Pier and Homage to Catalonia. George Orwell was born Eric Blair in India in 1903 into a comfortable'lower-upper-middle class' family. Orwell's father had served the British Empire, and Orwell's own first job was as a policeman in Burma. Orwell wrot...

CHF 25.90

Animal Farm

Orwell, George
Animal Farm
The oppressed animals on Mr. Jones' farm revolt against their human masters and take over the farm. Led by the pigs, they decide to run the farm themselves on egalitarian principles. However, in course of time, a new dominion is formed and the pigs, now corrupt by power, start to rule over the other animals. The story is a timeless and overwhelming satire which is directed towards Stalin. It tells us how power is a never-ending game of greed, ...

CHF 24.50

Animal farm 5th June 2020 Final

Orwell, George
Animal farm 5th June 2020 Final
George Orwell's celebrated novella, Animal Farm, is a biting, allegorical, political satire on totalitarianism in general and Stalinism in particular. One of the most famous works in modern English literature, it is a telling comment on Soviet Russia under Stalin's brutal dictatorship based on a cult of personality which was enforced through a reign of terror. The book tells a seemingly simple story of farm animals who rebel against their mast...

CHF 24.90

A Clergyman's Daughter

Orwell, George
A Clergyman's Daughter
A Clergyman's Daughter is a 1935 novel by English author George Orwell. It tells the story of Dorothy Hare, the clergyman's daughter of the title, whose life is turned upside down when she suffers an attack of amnesia. It is Orwell's most formally experimental novel, featuring a chapter written entirely in dramatic form, but he was never satisfied with it and he left instructions that after his death it was not to be reprinted. Despite these i...

CHF 28.90

Burmese Days

Orwell, George
Burmese Days
First published in 1934, Burmese Days is a novel by George Orwell. Set in British Burma during the waning days of the Empire, it is "a portrait of the dark side of the British Raj." The story is based on Orwell's own experiences as a police officer in Burma. The main character of the novel is John Flory and he represents what is known as the "pukka sahib" who upholds British values and the British way of life. Flory is deliberately contrasted ...

CHF 29.90